Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I know something we might all struggle with. Making health a habit. Putting exercise as a priority. Finding the time in your busy day to eek out some form of movement and healthy choices.

I also know a way to help with it. You've got to get some accountability. It comes in many forms. Maybe you join an office pool to lose weight. Or even try the online betting app called DietBet where you can join challenges and win money when you reach your goal. You can promise yourself a treat when you reach a certain goal. Or talk your significant other into keeping you accountable during mealtime. And then there is certainly my favorite...find a fit sister. Get yourself a partner in crime. Someone to work out with. Someone to call when the sugar monster rears its ugly head. Someone who will be bummed if you hit the snooze button and miss a session. 

Having someone to hold me accountable has been the biggest motivator in my fitness journey. I'm strong but my willpower wavers at times. The other evening I was this close to throwing my hands up in the air and calling uncle on my Whole30. But luckily my supportive husband talked me off the ledge. 

Today is Day 20 of your nutrition challenge and I want to know how you are feeling! What obstacles have you encountered? What has been you favorite part of it so far? What results are you seeing? And remember results aren't always on the scale. Are you sleeping better? Increased energy? Clearer skin? Tell me about it!

1 comment:

  1. I agree accountability is the best motivator! I can not believe that it has been 8 weeks already. It has been wonderful and I have learned so much about myself, my health, fitness and will power. I have falling in love with two activities that I would have never believed...basketball and Zumba! I actually can feel the difference in my body the days I miss working out. I feel stronger and healthier. Thanks for #8wtf, it has been a great way to jumpstart my lifelong journey to become fit & healthy.
