Saturday, July 17, 2010

Random Saturday

  • I've reworked my goals. Set a new goal weight of 130lbs. Only 4 lbs to lose but at least it is something to work for. 1500 calories tops a day. 6 good eating days followed by one "treat" day. I am choosing to call it a treat day instead of a cheat day. Hopefully I'll feel like I am treating myself instead of devouring everything in sight. Run 4 days a week, weight train 3 days a week.
  • My 6 miler got cancelled due to a raging thunderstorm this morning. Postponed until Monday morning.
  • We're going out tonight so the hubs can play music at the local dive bar. I'm allowing myself 4 beers and have already documented it in the food journal. Thank goodness for light beer.
  • I had Overnight Oats for breakfast. If it weren't for the whopping 100 carbs in the dish I might have it every morning. I made the rest of the family whole wheat blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup and whipped cream. The kids loved it, didn't know the difference. The husband scoffed for a minute but devoured it like I knew he would.
  • I'm sad I'm not running today. I could hop on the treadmill but it just wouldn't be the same. Hopefully some hard core cleaning, combined with eating right will suffice. I could use an extra rest day. I guess.


  1. I really like steel cut oats. They're so super healthy. But I was SHOCKED to see that a measly 1/4 cup uncooked is 170 calories!

    I usually have 1/2 c. of dry cereal cooked in water, topped with a splash of almond milk and 2 tsp. brown sugar with 1/4 c. of chopped walnuts. The calorie content: 450 calories! But it keeps me full until noon.
